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Barbara Cadeddu
Scientific coordinator
Engineer and PhD in architecture, he combines teaching and research activities on the themes of urban regeneration with professional practice. She is currently a consultant for public administrations and third-sector associations for strategic planning, programming of the ESI Funds and projects management for culture and social innovation. She has been Consultant to the Councilor for Tourism, Crafts and Commerce of the Sardinia Region (2017-2019) and Council Member for Strategic Planning, Community Planning, Institutional Communication, Institutes of Participation and Equal Opportunities for the City of Cagliari (2013-2016).
She is also co-creator and scientific coordinator of AJU/AJA, a project of culture of design and craftsmanship with the scientific responsibility of Triennale Milano and Cologni Foundation for the Métiers d’Art. She has been scientific director /coordinator of Frestival dell’Architettura di Cagliari (2020) and CagliariPaesaggio, directed by Joao Nunes and Micael Jacob (2018); FESTARCH organized by RCS MediaGroup (Cagliari 2007, 2008; Perugia, Assisi, 2011, 2012). For Stefano Boeri Architetti she was Project leader in the context of the Great G8-2009 Event in La Maddalena (2008-2010) and today she is Consultant for the urban planning and participatory aspects of the “Pergola Village” project in Orani (NU).

Antonio Brunori
Forester & journalist
Forest professional expert, forestry and agricultural journalist, is graduated in Forestry Science at Firenze University (Italy), in “Agroforestry” at UFL, Dept of Forest Resources and Conservation of Gainesville – Florida (USA), with a Ph.D. at University of Perugia (Italy) – Dept of Agricultural, Food and Environmental Sciences on ecosystem services in Olea europaea plantations.
From 2001 he is Secretary General of PEFC Italy (Programme for Endorsement of Forest Certification schemes) and member of the International PEFC Task Force for the development of the certification standard for sustainable agriculture.
He has participated in international projects on issues of legality, sustainable forest management and the enhancement of forest products and in Italy in projects on the issues of enhancement of nearby forestry chains and ecosystem services.

Massimo Mercati
AD Aboca
Massimo Mercati è nato a Città di Castello nel 1971. Dopo essersi laureato in Giurisprudenza, si è dedicato alla gestione dell’azienda di famiglia, Aboca, della quale è ora amministratore delegato. Ha fondato la rete delle Farmacie Apoteca Natura ed è presidente delle Farmacie Comunali di Firenze. Vive a Sansepolcro. Si è spesso interessato del tema della visione sistemica della vita, seguendo gli studi che in questo settore sono stati portati avanti dal fisico Fritjof Capra. Per Aboca edizioni ha pubblicato L’impresa come sistema vivente. Una nuova visione per creare valore e proteggere il futuro (2020).

Francesco Orofino
IN/ARCH secretary general
Francesco Orofino, segretario generale IN/ARCH, socio fondatore dello studio di progettazione GAP ARCHITETTI ASSOCIATI con il quale svolge la propria attività professionale, in Italia ed all’estero, dal 1992. È stato Consigliere dell’Ordine degli Architetti PPC di Roma e Provincia, esperto del Comitato Economico e Sociale dell’Unione Europea, professore a contratto presso la Facoltà di Architettura – Politecnico di Bari. Ha lavorato con diverse ONG in progetti di cooperazione con i paesi in via di sviluppo.

Nicolò Lanfranchi
Nicoló Lanfranchi (Milan, Italy, 1976), photographer and journalist, has been living in Berlin for some years. His work moves between reportage, portrait, architecture and design, alternating personal projects with works for publishing, corporate and advertising (Nike).
He started in the Tam Tam agency and in Mario de Stefanis’ photolab, thanks to which he discovers the magic of black and white and documentary photography.
He has collaborated over time with numerous galleries (Cuba in between @ Open Mind, Milan 2010), NGOs, companies and international magazines including Vanity Fair, Interni, Case da Abitare, Geo, Elle, Marie Claire.

Marco Nereo Rotelli
Marco Nereo Rotelli was born in Venice in 1955, where he graduated in architecture in 1982.
For years he has been pursuing a research on light and on the poetic dimension that Harald Szeemann has defined as “an extension of the artistic context”. Over the years Rotelli has created an interrelation between art and the various disciplines of knowledge. Hence the involvement in his research of philosophers, musicians, photographers, directors, but mainly his relationship is with poetry which, over time, has become a constant reference for his work.
Among the large installations created by him are: in 1996 the work in homage to the La Fenice theater in Venice just destroyed by a fire, and presented at the Rome Quadriennale; in 2007 the permanent installation for the Living Theater in New York, commissioned by Judith Malina and dedicated to the Beat Generation; in 2008 in Jinan, China, invited to participate in the Shandog University International Biennial of Art and Design, an installation with a tragic and poetic dimension, in the year of the Sichuan earthquake, which will win him the Academy Award; in 2016 the light installations for the inauguration of the new Palestine Museum in Birzeit, and for the twentieth anniversary of Pienza, a Unesco World Heritage City.
In 2000 he founded the Art Project group, now directed by Elena Lombardi with Margherita Zambelli and Filippo Cavalli and made up of young artists and architects, with whom he carries out numerous interventions and urban installation projects. This commitment has earned him participation in eight editions of the Venice Biennale, as well as numerous solo and group exhibitions. He was invited by Northwestern University (Chicago) as an “artist-in-residence” (winter 2013). His works are present in museums and important private collections all over the world. Some of the most important art critics have written about him, as well as poets, writers, philosophers and personalities of international culture, feeding an important bibliographic collection on his work.

Massimo Pica Ciamarra
Architect & Designer
qualified University Teacher 1969; from 1971 to 2007 Teacher of Architectural Design at the University of Naples/Federico II; 1977 Committee 30-Architecture / Council of Tall Building and Urban Habitat, Lehigh University-USA / Italian speaker in the 2nd World Congress “2001-Urban Spaces for Life and Work” Paris/UNESCO; in 1991 a founding member of IDIS –Istituto per la diffusione e la valorizzazione della cultura scientifica; 1993/94 in “Ecoville-Europe”, Ministère de l’Equipement / Ministère de l’Environnement, Paris-La Villette; from 1997 to 2011 IN/Arch National Vice-President 1997/2011 National Vice President IN/Arch; from 2012 Vice-President of the “Fondazione Italiana per la Bioarchitettura e l’Antropizzazione sostenibile dell’Ambiente”; President of the Scientific Committees of Bioarchitettura®, IN/Arch, Biennale di Architettura di Pisa 2017 (honorary); Professor I.A.A. International Academy of Architecture; 1997 In France, as the President of O.I.A.-Observatoire International de l’Architecture / Paris– promoted the project for the “Directive européenne sur l’architecture et le cadre de vie”; in 2018 promoted “Civilizzare lUrbano – ETS”